This is a conglomeration of pictures I have been meaning to post.
This is called Treasure Mountain.
The yellow you see are larch trees...aka tamarack. They are pine trees
that change in the fall and loose their needles. Weird!!! has snowed here.
This is another view of Treasure Mountain.
This is a metal sculpture. There is a guy in Libby Montana that makes these. They are
all over town. This one is huge.
See how detailed. This is all metal.
This one was cool too.
This is all metal too.
The feather is metal
also. I couldn't believe how detailed it was. Several places across town had these sculptures.
This is a mountain ash. It has berries on it and the leaves change to yellow. Very pretty.
These are the Cabinet mountains.
I think...
Big Horn Sheep. I called them horny big sheep, but I was corrected :)
Kootenai (Koot-nee) Falls Trail
Kootenai Falls
Monica!! It was the first day of hunting season and Monica was wearing
blaze orange so they wouldn't get shot!
They have swingin' bridges here too!
Monica and friends...
Larch tree close up...
It is getting cold here. Winter has begun. There have been some pretty views of the
mountains. They are all around us here. These are just a few pictures.
We have been told they are predicting a mild
winter. Whoever THEY are...
I am sure it doesn't come with a money-back guarantee!
Hope all are well. It is a busy time of year. Lots going on.
I hope to catch up soon. Time will tell.
Monica says hello to everyone.