Saturday, September 1, 2012

Glacier National Park

Today we spent a long day in Glacier.  Only touched the surface, but it is close.
We will no doubt go back many times before
we leave.  Here is just a sample...

When you enter the park you see Lake McDonald.  
This is Lake McDonald

There are many streams fed by the
melting glaciers.  This is one of them

See how clear the water is.
This was basically the source of this stream.
There was a waterfall coming down
off the hillside.  Batteries died and
couldn't get a picture of the

Once you start climbing in altitude, you can see all the peaks.

According to the scientists, this area has been drastically changed by
glacier activity.  Some of the glaciers have shrunk by 75% just in 
this century.  The scientists will continue to debate
why this is so, but there were pictures showing the
shrinkage of glacier formations.

Look at lower right hand corner at the trees.  There has been a fire here.  
It takes years to recover.

The park service is repairing the road through the park.  
It is called "The Road to the Sun."

Don't know if you can make it out, but the base of the mountains is very green.
It reminds me of something you would see in South America in the Andes.

This is the "Road to the Sun."
You can see it snake along the mountain side.

 See the bridge?  I can't imagine the work that goes into maintaining
this road.  It is closed in the winter.

This is Jackson Glacier.
It has shrunk 75% in the last century.

Another little stream.
It is amazing how clear it is, but 
you are advised not to drink it.
Pollution has affected
the snow and ice.

The girls were getting tired.  Stopped for lunch.  We were
better :)

There is another section of the park called "Many Glaciers"
You have to leave and re-enter farther north.
This is Many Glaciers.

We also saw our first Grizzly and her three cubs.
This was in the park.  Pictures are fuzzy.

There is actually "Bear Spray" you are encouraged to carry.
I thought somebody was jerking my chain, but it is

This is Many Glaciers Hotel. 
It reminds you of a lodge in the Alps.
It is on the Swift-Current Lake.

This is probably my favorite picture of the Lake.

There is a boat you can go on.  You can kayak or canoe too.

The mountains are so impressive.  They change with your perspective.

This is not the highest point in the park.  It is the highest point the road travels.  The peaks are 
way above your head at this point.

The Continental Divide crosses the park here.  Little science lesson...
the Continental Divide separates the watershed in the United States.
Everything to the east of it sheds into the Atlantic and Caribbean.
Everything to the west goes into the Pacific.  Somehow
it regulates the water that goes to the Arctic Ocean too.
These mountains create part of this phenomena.

We barely scratched the surface.  We scoped out trails and views we want
to see.  We will have to save them for another day or days.

We are here in Montana.  It is beautiful. In ways it reminds me 
of West Virginia.

We hope you will follow us on our journey.

Hope to have pictures of the apartment soon.  We are still
unpacking and picking up.

Love ya...


  1. Sharon and I almost went to Glacier National Park,
    But we went to Yellowstone instead. It looks like we should have gone to Glacier National Park.
    We enjoyed Yellowstone and saw Old Faithful.

    We are still enjoying following you on your journey.

    Thanks for sharing it with us.

    How big is your Territory, and were is your home based?
    Sharon and I enjoyed our visit with you and Monica.

    We ended up going a little over 6,000 miles on our trip.

    Love ya Chuck & Sharon

  2. We are in the Kalispell/Missoula area of Montana. Our borders are Canada to the North, Idaho to the West, the Rockies to the East, and Missoula at the South. It has been really nice here so far. Winter is coming tho. We hope to venture more in the area while we are here.

    If you get a chance to do Glacier, you should.

  3. I found it. Awesome! I'm glad you have a blog. These photos are amazing. I don't look forward to you guys leaving us but I know some friends in Missoula who are looking forward to your presence so I can't be greedy. But then there is this site so I will just ask a ton of questions get lots of information at your stays elsewhere. ;-). Patti Jones
