Monday, March 19, 2012

Signs of Spring

Wild flowers on our hike to Catherine's Creek, WA

Catherine's Creek

My black and white button got switched on

There was a natural rock arch we climbed up to.  :)

Monica and Ashley climbing the trail.

There was a gap you could climb up into.  It took you to the top of the arch.

Ryan in the crack.  This was so fun.

You can see the arch a little better here.

Down there is where we climbed FROM :)

Don't know if you can make this out, but this is under the arch...from the top!
Monica wouldn't let me walk on top of it  :(

I think this is the clearest picture I have taken of the Columbia Gorge.  It was about 45 degrees but 

Exotic animal farm...
This guy has all these exotic animals and you can drive through his place.
Not sure what he does with them.  Probably another
Californian trying to be different...    :)





One final picture... a Dog Poop bag.  Everyone here walks their
dogs, but they have to pick up their poop.  These handy dandy
bags are provided for you to properly dispose of your
best friend's waste.

The owner of this baggy apparently did not want to carry
it through the whole trail, so left it for their
return trip back to the trail head.

Isn't that nice...

News for this week.  As many of you know, we will be moving to Big Sky country.
In September we will be setting off for 

I am told it is the pretty side of Montana.  We will be close to Glacier National Park.
We will keep everyone updated.  It is all still very new and
we are working on adjusting.  We have met so many people and 
doggone...we don't want to go.  But that is why we call this

Our Big Adventure...



  1. I just gotta say that I wish I was moving to Big Sky Country! I have always wanted to live in Montana!!

    And I really like that 1st picture in black and white. :)

  2. The picture was an accident!!! I didn't realize my black and white setting was on :)

  3. i take offense to the comment on Californians! we cant help it if we are special.

  4. That hike was a bit different from the Lost Valley hike huh?! Then there's MT and Glacier National Park. I so hope you get to go there. love you guys!
