Monday, January 28, 2013

Hoarfrost, Nettie Pots, Snow and Sushi

Let's start with the sushi.  My first experience with is pretty...

It wasn't bad, but not delish.  My stomach was a bit queezy afterward.

I had to take this picture in the Natural Foods store.
Family Nettie Potting!
See how happy they are!!!

Also had to take a picture of this sign along the true!

I digress...we had lots of fog last week.  Soupy, but the hoarfrost 
that resulted was pretty.

It was all over the trees.  Even the antennas on the cars.

The pines were pretty

One must also be dressed for winter...

Funny story here...
I kept losing my gloves.  The bungee cords :)
Notice them hanging on my sleeves.

Went to...

All the gates were shut, but it was pretty cool.

Part of our Kerr Dam hiking excursion.

The lake above the dam.

Flathead Lake

More sky pictures...


these are the Mission Mountains and clouds...

more mountains and clouds...

Cool 'snow sliding off a metal roof' pictures.

Snowy stream...

Finally, a thought for the day.
Wisdom from a refrigerator magnet :)

Hope you enjoy the updates. We are well. Hope you all are too.
Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. I absoulutely love these pictures. So beautiful. I want to go there!! What are the towns nearby to where you took these pictures?
